Wednesday, 26 July 2023

The Trees Class 10

§                                                                                                                      The Trees

                                                    By Adrienne Rich


Analysis of the poem : 

  The poem ‘The Trees’ is composed by Adrienne Rich, an American poet and a reformist. Adrienne Rich is a feminist and has been known to write about women rights and equality.

§  The poet uses trees as a metaphor for human beings especially for women.

§  The tone of the poem is sarcastic and criticising as the poet criticises the male dominated society to be unfair, unjust and inhuman to a section which has been suppressed, downtrodden and illtreated for ages.

§  The poet wants to sensitise the society against its cruel, unjust and unsympathetic treatment towards fair section and trees.

§  It is composed in free verse and doesn’t follow any rhyming scheme. The poem is divided into four stanzas but the line length is irregular.

§  The poem highlights the theme that all the entities of this universe have a soul just like all of us and all deserve equal rights, respect and recognition.

§  A very significant message is conveyed through the poem that we should be sympathetic towards all the creatures and their rights shouldn’t be stripped in any case.


The poem describes the trees metaphorically as rebels. The trees are mercilessly captivated by humans in their houses, verandah and balcony, but they have decided to revolt and go to their natural place - the forest. The forest has been empty, the birds have no place to sit, insects to hide and for the other living creatures to rest under the shade.  The trees are compared to women who have been stripped off their rights and due place in society for ages. They have decided to move out of their houses to carve a place in the society.


The trees have become weak and the roots of the trees are trying hard to pull off from the floor of the veranda and branches and leaves are doing the same to get away from the walls and windows of the house where they have remained suffocated and twisted due to lack of space. The trees move towards the forest in a struggling pace as they are weak.

The poet is sitting in her house and could see the movement of trees. She is writing letters but does not want to mention this movement as she thinks, very soon everyone will come to know about it. May be she feels that the society won’t care and show any interest in this regard. She can smell the leaves and lichen which seem to leave the message that they are going to their right place.

The sky is clear and the moon is shining brightly. The glass of the window pane is breaking, where the leaves have rested for a long time. The trees are moving out and the fast blowing wind embraces them.  As the trees reach the forest, the branches of tall and strong oak tree partially hide the moon. It appears as if the moon has been broken into several pieces like a mirror. The broken pieces of moon look like diamonds in the crown of oak which stands triumphantly signifying that it has attained freedom and its right to live in its natural place.

 Video on the poem Fog

Line by Line Explanation

The trees inside are moving out into the forest,

the forest that was empty all these days

where no bird could sit

no insect hide

no sun bury its feet in shadow

the forest that was empty all these nights

will be full of trees by morning.

Today, the trees have decided to revolt and go back to their natural place - the forest where they are supposed to grow naturally and freely. The poet here compares the trees to women who have been stripped off their rights and due place in society for ages. The revolt of tress metaphorically suggests that women have decided to move out of their houses to carve a place in the society exploring their potential and recognise their identity. Till now, the forest has been empty, the birds have no place to sit and insects to hide as there were no trees in the forest. The Sun rays fall on bare land and can’t make a shadow as there are no trees. Here, sun is compared to a tired traveller who can't rest under shade as he can’t find any trees. However, next day, the forest will be full of trees, and the birds, insects and all the natural elements will find their home in trees and they all together would make it a happy and complete forest by next morning.


All night the roots work

to disengage themselves from the cracks

in the veranda floor.

The leaves strain toward the glass

small twigs stiff with exertion

long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof

like newly discharged patients

half-dazed, moving

to the clinic doors.

The roots of the trees are trying hard to pull off from the floor of the veranda and branches and leaves are doing the same to get away from the walls and windows of the house. The trees have become weak and they are described as patients who have been sick for many days. Here, the poet wants to tell that the leaves have suffered lot of strain or pain when they had to rest on glass of window pane. The small branches are twisted and the big boughs are cramped as they struggled under the roof of house where they have remained suffocated and twisted due to lack of space. The trees are trying to move towards the forest in a struggling gait/manner, and haven’t recovered fully. They are weak like patients who are moving towards clinic for recovery. They haven’t gained strength as they have pulled their roots from ground and it will time to firm up their roots in new ground in forest. Metaphorically, the women who decided to move out to find their due place in society, will find it difficult initially to carve their place and may feel weak and less confident.


I sit inside, doors open to the veranda

writing long letters

in which I scarcely mention the departure

of the forest from the house.

The night is fresh, the whole moon shines

in a sky still open

the smell of leaves and lichen

still reaches like a voice into the rooms.

The poet is sitting in her house and the doors of the veranda are open. She could very well see the movement of trees towards the forest. She is writing letters but does not want to mention this movement of trees as she thinks, very soon everyone will come to know about it as it is such a revolutionary change and people will get to know about it sooner or later. May be she feels that the human society is selfish and won’t care and show much interest or concern regarding this movement. The trees are heading towards the forest and now the scene changes. The night is fresh and the sky is clear without any clouds. Full moon is shining brightly in the open sky. The poet still can smell the lingering smell of leaves and lichen. This smell appears like voice of living beings as they are saying something to the poet. Even after the trees have left, the lingering smell of leaves and lichen is echoing like soft voices in the rooms of the poet. They seem to leave the message that they are going to their right place forever.

My head is full of whispers

which tomorrow will be silent.

Listen. The glass is breaking.

The trees are stumbling forward

into the night. Winds rush to meet them.

The moon is broken like a mirror,

its pieces flash now in the crown

of the tallest oak.

The poet compares the smell of leaves and lichen to voice which appears to speak to her. She feels that her head is full of soft voices of leaves and lichen. But, she knows that next day these voices will be silent as by then the smell also will go completely. She also hears the sound of glass of the window pane which is breaking as the leaves which were resting on glass have pulled themselves off with tremendous efforts, making the glass break. The moon is shining brightly in the night sky. As the trees move out, the fast wind coming from the forest welcomes them as if entire forest is extremely happy and eager to receive the trees.  As the trees move ahead in the forest, the branches of tall and strong oak tree partially hide the moon. It appears as if the moon has been broken into several pieces like a mirror. Here, mirror is presented as a symbol for beauty and the poet wants to convey that the revolutionary step of women has broken the stereotype that women are an object of beauty and need to look attractive and pleasing. The broken pieces of moon look like diamonds studded in the crown of oak. This crown symbolise victory of trees as Oak tree stands triumphantly signifying that it has attained freedom and its right to live a normal life in its natural place.

Video on Amanda

Rhyme Scheme

The poet is composed in free verse as the lines of the poem don’t rhyme. the line length is irregular.

Poetic Devices

The trees inside are moving out into the forest, - personification, Irony

the forest that was empty all these days – Refrain, Imagery, Irony

where no bird could sit - personification

no insect hide - enjambment

no sun bury its feet in shadow – personification, Imagery, Metaphor

the forest that was empty all these nights – Refrain, Alliteration, Consonance

will be full of trees by morning. – Imagery, Consonance

All night the roots work – personification

to disengage themselves from the cracks – Alliteration, Consonance, Personification, imagery

in the veranda floor.  – enjambment

The leaves strain toward the glass – Repetition, Personification, Imagery, Consonance, pathos

small twigs stiff with exertion – Alliteration, Assonance, Pathos

long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof – Assonance, Imagery, Personification, Consonance

like newly discharged patients – Simile, Pathos

half-dazed, moving - personification

to the clinic doors. – Metaphor, enjambment

writing long letters - enjambment, Alliteration

in which I scarcely mention the departure – Assonance

of the forest from the house. – Alliteration, repetition

The night is fresh, the whole moon shines – Repetition, Imagery

in a sky still open – Assonance, Alliteration, enjambment

the smell of leaves and lichen – Alliteration

still reaches like a voice into the rooms. – Alliteration, Assonance, Simile, personification

The trees are stumbling forward – personification, imagery

into the night. Winds rush to meet them. – personification, Imagery, alliteration, enjambment

The moon is broken like a mirror, - Simile, Alliteration, imagery, Symbolism

its pieces flash now in the crown – Metaphor, Imagery, alliteration, Symbolism

of the tallest oak - enjambment

Video on The Trees

Important Question Answers

Q1. Why do you think the poet doesn’t mention in her letter the departure of the forest from the house?

Ans. It is because Adrienne Rich feels that the humans won't be interested in knowing about the freedom of trees as she considers them insensitive and unconcerned about nature that's why they want to captivate trees and animals for their selfish purposes. She feels that there is no use mentioning of it in her letters as it would not invite anyone’s attention and interest. Later on, the story of trees' movement to the forest would eventually reach the world and people would get to know about it.

Q2. What does the poet want to convey through the poem?

Ans. Adrienne Rich feels that the human beings are far too selfish and insensitive to understand others' pain, desires and needs. She considers them insensitive and unconcerned about nature that's why they want to captivate trees and animals for their selfish purposes and entertainment. Through this poem the poet pours out her agony describing that the trees have to revolt for their rights and freedom. The poet wishes to convey that right place for trees is forest, not a house. Similarly, the women have been kept within the four walls since ages and they are, now trying to move out in the world and break their domestic shackles to explore their potential and make their place in the society and the outside world. 


Q. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.   

 “All night the roots work

to disengage themselves from the cracks

in the veranda floor.

The leaves strain toward the glass

small twigs stiff with exertion

long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof”

i. Complete the sentence appropriately.

All the night the roots will be working because _____  

ii. The poet has used a poetic device for ‘long cramped boughs’. What effect does she wish to create?    

A. pathos

B. comparison

C. rhythm

D. humour

iii. State whether the statement ‘Trees are comparatively used for living creatures’ is TRUE or FALSE.

iv. What types of change is predicted through this lines?

A. political

B. religious

C. revolutionary

D. natural

v. How have the small twigs become stiff?

Video on Ball Poem

i. because they are pulling themselves out of veranda floor
ii. A. pathos
iii. true
iv. c. revolutionary
v. The small twigs have become stiff because they don't space above and around to grow and spread.