What is a Sentence –
A sentence is a set
of words that conveys a definite and logical meaning.
A sentence is
divided into two major parts.
1. Subject -
2. Predicate – is an intelligent girl.
On the basis of function there are four types of sentence.
1. Assertive Sentence ( also called as Declarative, Sentence of Statement,
Simple sentence )
Structure of Assertive Sentence – subject + helping verb
+ main verb + object + object complement
Examples –
I am dancing.
They were
He is a good
He has submitted
his project.
You will watch
TV in the evening.
She likes
Rita loves to
dance on drum beats.
You speak
Garima loved the
How to turn it into Negative sentence –
1. by adding
‘NOT’ after helping verb / between helping verb and main verb.
I am not
They were not dancing.
He is not a good dancer.
He has not submitted his project.
You will not watch TV in the evening.
2. by adding
‘DO/DOES/DID with NOT’ before main verb (in case of helping verb is not used in
the sentence.
She does not like chocolates. (likes – does + like)
Rita does not love to dance on drum beats. (loves – does + love)
You do not speak softly. (speak – do + speak)
Garima did not love the movie. (loved – did + love)
2. Interrogative Sentence ( Questions )
Structure – Question
Word (optional) + helping verb + subject + main verb + object + object
complement + question mark (?)
Examples –
Why are you so
What haven’t you
spoken to the boss?
Why did you not
join our play?
What is your
good name?
When is your
What is your
Did you reach
the place on time?
Are you not coming
with us?
Is it your first
Is it that you performed
3. Imperative Sentence – (order, request, command, advice,
suggestion, apology, regret, pleading, prohibition)
Structure – Verb
+ object + object complement
Examples –
Close the door.
Read that book.
Don’t turn off
the fan.
Please bring me
a cup of coffee.
Pass me the
Please don’t bang the door.
Please help the poor. (He advised to help the poor.)
Don’t pluck
flowers from the garden.
Use a ballpoint
pen instead of gel pen.
Sorry! please
forgive me.
Let’s (Let us)
go for a picnic this weekend.
Exclamatory Sentence – (sudden outburst of emotions,
feelings or expressions – fear, joy, sorrow, happiness, surprise, anger,
disgust, pity, excitement)
Structure – exclamatory word + subject + helping verb
+ main verb + object + object complement + exclamatory mark ( ! )
Examples –
Alas! I broke my
Wow! Such a
beautiful rain it is.
OMG! What a
pleasant surprise you have given me.
Ouch! It is
Hurrah! We won
the match.
Oh no! Time of
the exam is over.
What a lovely
painting it is!
May God bless you!
I wish, I could be there.
Transformation of Sentences
1. She likes
chocolates (negative)
She doesn’t
dislike chocolate.
2. She sings
melodiously. Doesn’t she? (Interrogative)
Doesn’t she sing
3. Everyone knows
the colour of water. (Interrogative)
Who doesn’t know
the colour of water?
4. Today the weather is very pleasant. (Exclamatory)
How beautiful the weather is, today!
5. I attended the board meeting. (Negative)
I did not fail to attend the board meeting.
6. I never tell lies. (Assertive)
I always speak the truth.
7. Please help me solve this problem. (Assertive)
You are requested to help me solve this problem,
8. Rajasthan is the largest state of India. (Negative)
No other state is as large as Rajasthan.